Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Under the tree

I found a present for me under our tree tonight.

I know exactly what it is.

And I CAN'T WAIT to open it.

It's strange sort of. I mean, I knew I was getting these totally cool Nike running shoes I designed myself for Christmas. But I wasn't completely sure who I was getting them from. Tonight, while attempting to put the cheap train set around the tree (I quickly discovered Mommy was a bit too ambitious in thinking the little bit of track we have would stretch all the way around the evergreen sprouted in our living room), I noticed the box.

It's wrapped and beautiful.

The tag says to me, from Phidippides.

Very clever.

And now that I know they are RIGHT there, I have this sense of I'm-9-again-tearing-off-the-construction-paper-rings-on-the-countdown-chain-in-my-bedroom-I-can't-wait-to-open-my-presents excitement.


Jeannine said...

Exciting! It is a very fun time of year. Are you going to be at your home for Christmas?

bryan said...

Ohhhhhhhh fun! We need to see a running-shoe gallery on here when they're unveiled.

Veronica said...

You will get a gallery when they are revealed, yes. Of course.

Jeannine, we'll be in Kearney on Christmas Day but home on Christmas Eve (though I have to work that day). On the 27th, we're going to Indiana to see my dad, and we'll be there until Sunday. I can't wait for the break from work. I'm off the 25-30. :) Can't wait. Work has been a pretty big bear lately. I'm ready to be done with it for awhile.

Jeff said...

Cool Christmas Nikes vs. cool Christmas Asics. Which will win a race?

bryan said...

Nikes win -- because they were named after the Greek goddess of victory. Asics means ... uhh ... Japanese shoes.