Monday, February 15, 2010

Believe it

It's Feb. 15, the Winter Olympics are going, Valentine's Day just passed and it's snowy and cold and awful outside.

My babies are with their grandparents until tomorrow (that will be FIVE days they will have been gone. Ugh), and there's still so much change.

But I think for the most part I'm happy.

How about that?

There's more work at work than I have time to do and there's more work at home than I have the energy to do.

There's a book club book I haven't started.

I still haven't learned how to cook.

Christmas lights are still up on the house.

The cats need rabies vaccinations.

We're almost out of diapers AGAIN.

And I let myself get stressed with all this more often than I should.

My car is nearing 73,000 miles (yikes! Really?! Didn't I just get that car?) and I'm more than 1,000 miles overdue for an oil change.

It's been since Wednesday that I've worked out already.

And it's been how long since I've posted here?

It's all going to be OK, though. I always say that.

But now - at least this morning - I believe it.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleeping in Mommy's bed

So everyone knows the change we're going through at my house, right?

Daddy's gone.

A roommate and her son are in.

For the most part, the transition is going smoother than I ever thought it would.

While things aren't easy, we all seem - dare I say it? - happy.

Rye smiles, laughs, plays. We snuggle. He helps out around the house. He is just a good, nice, beautiful boy.

Until bedtime.

It's not like he gets ugly then ... he just gets needy.

And he has come up with a million reasons why he can't sleep in his bed.

More times than I am proud to admit lately, I've caved and let him sleep with me. Last night, he said, "I promise this will be the last time ever that I sleep in your bed."

Uh, yeah, right.

I've been doing blog entries just about every day on I wrote about this topic there, too, today and asked others to share their stories.

What are your experiences with this? Leave your comments here! And check out here.