Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Princess Paige

It's amazing how fast our babies grow. Last year at this time, my baby girl was still very much a baby. A baby with personality, yes. But still more baby than toddler.

A year later, Paige is talking better than most 21-month-olds, has transitioned well to a toddler bed and is just overall a joy to be around.

Of course, we love all our children with all our hearts, but she is extra special (so is her brother!).

Here she is in her new princess toddler bed, which a week later she is actually sleeping in.

Last weekend, she helped me make pancakes. I love this picture.

Here we were playing outside a few weeks ago. It was windy but warm enough to be out for a little while. Love that attitude.

And though she was a tad under the weather here (runny nose, mainly), she still looks beautiful.


The Cat's Pajama said...

My beautiful Paige! She is such a great girl - makes me smile every time I see (or even think of) her!

Veronica said...

Thank you, Cat! She loves you, too!

♥Hidayah♥Novelis♥ said...

so cute...

Anonymous said...

Oh!She is wonderfull baby!You are lucky to have such little princess!)

ALICE ♥ said...

ooooh... she is so cute!!