Tuesday, May 27, 2008

'We shoot bad guys'

So Rye is hit and miss with pronouncing our last name correctly. More and more, he gets it right, but sometimes he replaces the 'Stick' at the beginning with "Schnick" and even though it's incorrect, it's cute.

Two nights ago while laying with him at bedtime, he asked me what my last name was. I told him and pointed out that it was the same as his and that Daddy also had the same last name. So then we went through and said everyone's first and last names together.

Then, he said:

"We're the Stickneys. And we shoot bad guys."

(We don't, don't worry. I'm about as anti-gun as they come).


Anonymous said...

That's freaking hilarious.

Chris said...

What a great family motto.

bryan said...

I'd put that on a sign by your front door. I'm serious.

Jonathan said...

Hmm. The Stickneys: Photojournalists who "shoot" shady characters? :)

Ashley said...

That's funny and cute.

Veronica said...

Hooray, Ashley! You got it to work. :)

Ashley said...

Yes I did! I just had to reset my Google password. So now I will be commenting as much as I can! :)